Gospel of John, New Metaphysical Version-Cover

Does it seem like the Bible is filled with inconsistencies and contradictions?

Do you wish the Bible was more practical to you and the life you are living today?

Are you searching for an up-to-date version that offers real spiritual growth?

Are you looking for inspiration, expansiveness, depth, and enrichment?

Then you're ready for The Gospel of John, New Metaphysical Version

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Did you realize the Bible is written in a secret code? 

Once you understand the code, you unlock a whole deeper meaning of every chapter and every verse.

The Gospel of John: New Metaphysical Version transforms the traditional content into a practical application to help you deal with the problems you are facing every day. John has a particularly MetaSpiritual interpretation, because this Gospel is already deeper than the other three, even in a literal version!

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A Sample Peek at the Contents

  • What does it mean in John 1, where it says 'In the beginning was the Word ..."? You'll capture the deeper meaning of what 'The Word' really means when you read John 1:1-5, NMV.
  • Why is John 3:16 important, even for those of us who are more spiritual than religious? Get ready to see it in a whole new light when you read John 3:16, NMV!
  • Take a deep dive into the meaning behind the Bread of Life, by reading John 6:22-59, NMV
  • Are you familiar with the story of Lazarus being raised from the dead?Read it with new eyes and an enlightened, personal perspective in John 111-44, NMV.
  • Amp up your understanding of manifesting abundance by zeroing in on John 14, NMV.
  • What is the MetaSpiritual interpertation of the betrayal, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus as the Christ? You won't want to miss reading John 18:1-20, NMV.

These are just a few of the incredible Truths you will discover, as Rev. Bil pushes the envelope of spiritual thought through his inspired MetaSpiritual interpretations. 

A Few of Rev. Bil's Soundbytes from John

It is through the imaging power of the enlightened mind that we can connect with our inner wisdom. It is this connection which confirms that the Guiding Life Principle is the Indwelling Cosmic Christ. (John 1:49, NMV)

We must remind ourselves that we are the Christ expressing at the point of us. It is that awareness which will help us rise above any and all negativity so we can master the art of living. (John 6:20-21, NMV) 

Spiritual principles must be applied if we are to grow spiritually. Ironically, when we apply higher truths, they invariably come into conflict with encrusted religious biases. ... Our challenge, in our normal waking awareness, is to remember who we really are. (John 16:1, 4, NMV) 


Use This Book for Personal Study, Discussion Groups, Spiritual Book Study Sessions, or inspiration for Sunday Talks

You will discover a wealth of information within the pages of this book that can be used to guide you and others on the road to Enlightenment!

About the Author

Get to know a little about Rev. Dr. Bil Holton

Bil Holton-office-image

Rev. Dr. Bil Holton is an ordained Unity minister, metaphysician, recognized Spiritual Thought Leader, professional speaker, and prolific author. He teams up with his wife, Rev. Dr. Cher Holton to run The Global Center for Spiritual Awakening, where they combine science and cutting-edge spirituality to inspire people to connect with and exhibit their Extraordinary Nature to create YOUniversal Harmony! Discover more about Bil and Cher and join their Order of the Sacred Path at their website: TheGlobalCenterForSpiritualAwakening.com

Gospel of John, New Metaphysical Version-Cover

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Bring the Bible up to date and discover the hidden meaning behind every word in every chapter!

A great book to keep on your desk or beside your bed, to open anywhere and get mind-expanding inspiration!

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